This post was written retroactively.

Over the next couple weeks, progress was slow. COVID was out in full swing with the second wave. Work got super busy and I strung out with everything that was happening home, little did I know it was about to get a whole lot worse, it builds character I think - at least thats how the saying goes. Not sure if anyone should experience that type of stuff but I care much less about shit now.

Anyway back on topic. The progress was slow, yes. Over the weeks I got the ball joints installed at the shop, cleaned up bits of wiring, sorted out the intake system with some spare 3inch tubing, joiners and a bog standard air intake. Eventually I want to box it off and duct air from the front bumper into the engine bay - for this I need to relocate the washer bottle and redo the wiring for that as well.

More importantly, I wanted to run it stock and datalog the Intake Air Temperatures as-is and then see how it changes after I’ve boxed and ducted it. Science.

Hanging out at the shop is always fun - never knew one could use a $2000 track spoiler setup as a Maccas bench.


JDM bois make some noise

The car on the dyno was a EK1 replica with TODA internals. It was pretty mean sounding and reminded me of all the little JDM cars you’d spot on JuiceBoxForYou. The bloke that owned it had a Honda AP1 NSX, multiple C63 AMGs and a various lot of other cars. Real China money type shit - we hit it off because he was from Xi’an and I’d been there about a year ago with Joey. Guy was loaded, seriously, never felt this poor in my life cuz I still count my maccas change. The guy was no older than 20 either. You meet a lot of them types at Uni, but he was all in all your average car guy who won the dice roll at birth. In the background you can spot my car waiting for its turn (though it was a couple weeks away still). The S2K was owned by his mate, really nice bloke and had a lot of information to share about the handling dynamics of the car at grip limits. He had an NSX as well, AP2. When will I get mine?